Vardum-hunting android assassin
Anti-flesh alien-tech robotic AI
Solid and stoic griffin in the Cavalry
Captain of the Urca de Mirage, after Barlow. 'The Trident Lady', you might say.
Sad Dead Bat; Wears a Fancy Hat
Treasure Hunter, purports to be the sole survivor of his raiding party into the Tomb of Teresias "Fortune and glory, kid, fortune and glory."
Pop icon. Seeker of the gods. Teresias.
Captain of the Oceanic Ate
Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, and Terraforming magnate, CEO of Whidmore Corp
AKA Zedd
Klutch's Grandfather
Created by Mazoë, the mother of all who are blessed with skill, with Percellis. Meditates and dreams and attunes himself to reality. Works for honing the skills of the sword, the bow, and the shield
One of Tom Tom's Worgs, along with Denise
One of Tom Tom's Worgs, along with Debbie
Paladin of the west Wind, Commander of the Griffin Cavalry
Science guy in charge of dX production. Changed the recipe recently.
Archer at the gate of Tolland
The lead minotaur who chased us on motorcycle as we were escaping them after the labyrinth
Glider-flying guy on Kamasu
Ego/Carlos/Dr. Cercata — techie shapeshifter slaad
A server at the Lady's Ladle on Ironfist
Director at Kamasu
Hiare's griffin mount.
One of the minotaurs who chased us on motorcycle as we were escaping them after the labyrinth
Fought Hrothulf in the Colloseum of Mazoë
Carlos' closest friend from Meagel. Mechanical engineer like Carlos, but not quite as experimental, theoretical. Had tenure but left, surprisingly.
Goddess of Air and Balance
God of Fire and Chaos
Goddess of Earth and Law
Ego's griffin mount.
Hrothulf's dad
Hrothulf's Brother
The woefully inept nephew of the Marchand of Tolland
A reacher with the Railman. A 65-70 yr old “incredibly” thin man, dressed in shreds as though to evoke witch doctor. He sways and dances in a trance under herbal influence. Jesco interpreted the results of the trial of Mazoë
Knights that appear in the Railman's bowl during Mazoë's test.
Chased us as we fled the Kamasu Complex. Landed to the ground and turned to a humanoid form, with arms transforming into wider weapons. Defeatable by EMP.
Met on Hielo. Was held for questioning for some time, but was released. Izar suspects she's a werewolf.
Pretty gruff. His barding is like heavy rope. He has the aroma of briny salty ocean air.
Once known as Xandra, many decades ago.
Griffin in the Cavalry. Full of warmth.
The Blue Lady. On Mystra.
Dhund Hal Ka's Griffin Steed
God of Courage and Justice
God of Wisdom and Hearth
We met him in Ashtown and he gave us good information.
Portrait artist who makes for us a photo-realistic painting of Nora Omundsen from our picture of her exhumed body.
An old colleague of Carlos'. She’s a half-goblin about 3.5’ tall and wide. Wearing about four different patterns from four decades, but somehow it kind of works. Giant bedazzled cat-eye glasses with gemed bridge. Enamored with Hrothulf.
Darnit's griffin mount.
Professor of Genetics. Left Meagel, probably to work for Whidmore.
Created by Tyrenoe, the father of all nature, with Conflagella. Meditates and dreams and attunes himself to reality.
Hrothulf's griffin mount. An immovable rod.
Prof of Polymers. A recent Meagel graduate.
Queen Ishtari of the Dao Empire
Her son was kidnapped. She was surprisingly not doing anything about Whidmore coming in, though she is typically involved in her lands.
Insurance salesman visiting Ashtown when we meet him. Very Death of a Salesman. Drives a giant 1980 avocado green El Dorado.
Dorinda's griffin mount
An Elian special appearance
Red Dragonborn. Short snout, no tail. Around his left eye is a dark grey discoloration that encircles his whole eye. Looks like scar tissue. "Spot" is a nickname referencing that.
Nikki Tinklebrat's cheating husband
Magician on Genussa
Beat poet bard extraordinaire
Goddess of Death and Time
God of Water and Life
Works for the Daedalus Corporation with their security business on Didymus Prime
Energetic griffin in the Cavalry. Chosen by Thundlecook (Elian's new name).
Goddess of Dreams and Psyche
Darnit's Uncle. Owns the Lady's Ladle.
Vardum Knights. In Thiton's temple, they wore dark red plate armor with the Vardum crest.
Knows where the phoenixes are. NOT short. Like 4'3", so easily over 4'. A little mangy looking. Not pointed ears but rounded off. Brown hair, black eyes, can’t really see anything in them.
Knowledge and Cunning
AKA Charleston