Thiton's Temple


Jan 22, 2019

The Desconeguters explore an other-worldly temple of Thiton, god of water and life, and find it vandalized. They climb spiraling staircases, encounter doors made of abalone shell, and find a throne and seven doors.

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Hrothulf plans to use the x-ray vision function of the Antonio Banderas briefcase to explore the sea. He discovers a swarm of squids tethered to a pole near a gabled structure. The closest land is uninhabited and hours away. Carlos calculates a descent plan towards a temple at the base of a reef. The temple has otherworldly architecture and is believed to be the shrine of Thiton, the god of water and life. They explore the temple, finding vandalized areas and a massive throne. The hall is empty, with missing candelabras and vandalized banners. They ascend the staircase and find seven doors on the second level. The first door, made of abalone shell, is difficult to open due to a pushed-up floor tile. They leave the room.

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