Escape from Kamasu Complex


Oct 23, 2018

The group is chased by droids and flying drones while fleeing from the Kamasu Complex. They build an EMP bomb to fight off the drones and successfully escape through a drainage tunnel conduit.

Set in

We escape from the Kamasu Complex while being pursued by droids and drones. We debate whether to go to Bagmulgwan or towards the ship, ultimately choosing Bagmulgwan. During our escape, the van swerves, causing Hrothulf to bounce around while Izar avoids him. We come to a fork and decide to go south. Carlos examines droids obtained from a junkyard and contemplates weaponizing them. He realizes he can build an EMP bomb but drops the parts due to a rough path chosen by Darnit. We hide in the trees, unable to see the drones, and Carlos asks for light. Hrothulf volunteers to hold Carlos' sunrod. Carlos makes progress on building the EMP bomb but lacks certain components. Carlos guides Hrothulf in disassembling a cage for the missing parts. The van experiences explosions and a waterfall ahead. We continue driving, pursued by drones. We approach a bridge and choose to stay low. Carlos instructs Hrothulf on dismantling a trap. The van spins and Darnit regains control, maneuvering evasively. Drones fire at us, prompting Darnit to reverse. The van rolls over, but Darnit attempts to rock it back onto its wheels. Drones transform into humanoid figures, and Carlos surrenders. The drones' arms transform into wider weapons. The van stabilizes, and Hrothulf suggests using the EMP bomb. Carlos throws the bomb at the drones, destroying them. We head towards a bridge, chased by five flying drones. We enter a drainage tunnel conduit under the bridge, moving westward.

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