Kamasu Complex


Aug 14, 2018

The party visits the Kamasu Complex for weapons upgrades and a tour. They fill out a privacy agreement and witness a testing of an EMT. They encounter a beholder and discuss the nature of destruction.

Set in

Izar's missing skin is checked, no blood or tracker found. Dan offers to drive the group for a fee. They arrive at Kamasu, a rain-powered building. Dan is directed to Cargo Bay 7 where they meet a nervous woman. Carlos claims they are buyers and gets them a concierge. They see Kamasu's logo and a drone drops off a tablet with a countdown. They learn about Kamasu's research and see glimpses of different departments. Darnit suspects the droids they encountered came from Kamasu. They watch a video of kids in the junkyard, one gets snatched. Mokoto, the concierge, arrives and gives them a document to fill out. Smaller robots approach Dan's van, and they all enter Kamasu. Darnit and Carlos overhear technicians discussing scanning for squid migration. Carlos wants mass destruction weapons, and they mention their benefactor. They see Kamasu scientists working in a wall-enclosed room. Mokoto informs them about an EMT development. They are invited to watch testing and go through several hallways. Mokoto disappears, and they enter a dark room. They hear something powering up. Dorinda, Izar, Carlos, and Darnit prepare for a floating object in front of them. Dan lights his lighter, revealing a beholder. The group discusses destruction versus belief systems. The chapter ends with a fleet of drones and the command to draw weapons.

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