Jul 17, 2023
Trapped in an ashen darkness, the party encounters a mysterious gnome named Wren who guides them towards the elusive phoenixes. They must navigate an unstable precipice, fend off ember cats, and unravel the secrets of the wheely gears.
The island is blown up. At the camp, Darnit celebrates with the others while General Arrow gives instructions. A small gnomish figure named Wren appears and mentions phoenixes. Wren explains that they are in an ash pit, and they discuss their experiences in the labyrinth. Wren reveals that Peppermint sent them to find the phoenixes. They encounter a chasm and try to find a way across. Darnit suggests using jetpacks, and Wren proposes using a jump spell. They make their way across the chasm, and Dorinda uses a flash grenade to distract the cats. They discover wheels with geometric shapes and try to align them. Cats attack them, but they fight back using various abilities and weapons. They manage to defeat the cats and are left in darkness with the gears.