Oct 2, 2023
Boarding the Lava's Quarrel, the party interacts with the crew and young Elys. The ship embarks on a dangerous journey through a chaotic ocean of lava, with hints of mystical destinations and captivating stories.
Set in
Approaching the Lava's Quarrel boat, we meet Captain Tork and are told we are cargo, not part of the crew. The journey will take two days with a stop along the way. There are nine crew members, including non-humans. We're advised not to interact with other cargo and warned about the dangerous lava ocean.
Idunn, the chief engineer, welcomes us and offers HVAC comfort. Ego discusses the ship's propulsion with her. Elys, a young girl, expresses her interest in magic, and Izar shows her some tricks.
Dorinda talks to Spot, a crew member, about his work on the ship and the hot springs of Canaz. Spot is intrigued by Dorinda's android nature. Ego talks to Ingeborg about the ship's shield and mechanical systems.
As night falls, we're asked to stay in our quarters due to the presence of nightmares. Izar and Elys plan to sneak away to explore Canaz.