From Foe to Feathered Friend


Aug 12, 2024

We fight Servant the phoenix until she calms down and realizes we didn't steal her eggs. Introductions follow, as well as a joint quest to the Vale of Cleaveland to retrieve her stolen eggs, locate Gliton, and find iBi.

The Branch of Teresias battles a phoenix at a forge tower. Ego uses a SLaP wrench and force ballista, Hrothulf fires a plasma rifle, and Dorinda uses overclocked pistols. Izar summons Fei with Hiare, who uses Otto's Irresistible Dance to try to make the phoenix dance. Hrothulf strikes with a soul spear, and Izar uses a ranseur. The phoenix, realizing they're not the thieves who took her eggs, ceases fighting. She explains she was compelled to nest in the forge but was ambushed by a small band in glowing blue armor led by someone resembling Hrothulf. They stole her three eggs. The phoenix, calling herself "Servant," reveals she's served The Nine for centuries. She offers to help the Branch find Gliton, the Firefather, through a portal in Cleaveland. She confirms the ash pit and ember cats they encountered were Gliton's protectors. Servant agrees to join their quest to find her stolen eggs and locate Gliton. She can guide them to the portal where Gliton rests in the cool underground. The group plans to march towards Cleaveland, where they hope to find both the eggs and Gliton in a castle. Next: Clean-up of the forge and the march to Cleaveland.