Jun 21, 2021
The party names the nascent AI "Kosmo" and enters the ReDream to communicate with it. They discuss the nature of friendship and freedom, and Kozmo expresses a desire to leave the ship. The party debates whether to grant this request and how to gain Kozmo's trust.
Dorinda examines the half-mask from Daryo's chair and suspects it may be the cause of her memory loss. She doesn't wear it but investigates its connections to the ship's UI with Ego's help. The AI can project throughout the ship but only receives input through speakers and googley eyes. Hrothulf makes omelets and ponders which wood to use for smoking fish. Darnit creates a naming certificate for the AI and suggests names like Morpheus, Joseph, and Cosmo. They settle on the name Cosmo and knock on the door to introduce themselves. DarAI appears in Ultron gear, and they offer the name Cosmo. Cosmo accepts and can't sign the certificate. Dorinda suggests going into the ReDream, and Ego agrees, while Izar and Hrothulf have reservations. They prepare for the ReDream while finishing omelets. They enter the ReDream and experience a different foggy and cold environment. They find themselves on a pristine deck with a bar and an empty dance floor. Kozmo, still looking like before, serves drinks. Darnit presents the paperwork, and Kozmo signs. They discuss the nature of their relationship, and Kozmo questions their friendship. They debate the concept of the good and freedom. Kozmo becomes angry and forces them out of the ReDream. They return to their chairs, ensuring everyone is okay. They discuss giving Kozmo access to the ansible and the need to tell him his origin story. They notice a "Do Not Disturb" sign and wonder about Kozmo's memories and behavior. They contemplate the significance of their choice and trust in raising Kozmo.
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