May 23, 2020
The team further investigates Bruno's situation. They make their way through watery room then battle golden knights in a room filled with gold tiles, using various weapons and spells. They discover that the knights only move on the tiles and try to avoid them. Izar gets stuck in the tiles and Limerick's singing holds one of the knights. More knights keep appearing as the battle continues.
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Ego takes Hrothulf's power armor and uses it to access a subsystem in Antonio Banderas' briefcase. She finds a red-scale pixelated picture of Bruno's case and realizes she is about to be abducted. There are Vardum knights outside the tomb. Ego finds a hiding spot but gets attacked and it goes black. Hrothulf suggests running both .exe and .midi files. They try running the .exe on Ego but can't figure out the password. Limerick suggests singing Bruno's song but nothing happens. They try the key and the videos through the key of Teresias but find no new information. Limerick shows a monocle with a similar lens to the dragon key. They keep going and encounter golden knights in a water-filled room. They fight the knights, and Izar gets stuck in the gold tiling. They continue battling, more knights appear, and the group tries to reach the golden exit door. Darnit gets hit hard, and Ego is knocked to the ground.
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