Apr 17, 2020
The group navigates through a water-filled room and another bone hallway with golden knights. Klutch has emotional difficulty declaring herself a servant. More of us get golden-covered body parts.
Set in
We find ourselves in a room filling with water. Three figures join us: a dwarven character, a blink dog, and a lithe elf named Limerick. Hrothulf and Hiare express joy at seeing each other, while Izar explains how they found the blink dog. Darnit warns about a minotaur, but Izar assures him. Limerick wants to escape the rising water, and Ego suggests running for the door. Darnit wields his weapon, Barkamena, while Klutch searches for a shell. Tensions rise briefly between Klutch and Ego. Darnit uses Barkamena to create an ice comet that hits Limerick. Limerick then calms Klutch using a spell. The group moves toward the door, using Izar's crossbow as a makeshift raft. Klutch saves Ego from an iceberg, and they all strive to reach the door. Freedieedi appears and assists them in escaping, and they find themselves in another bone hallway. Ego leads the way while Darnit questions their whereabouts. The group discusses a song and Limerick listens attentively. Izar contemplates using Freedieedi again, but Limerick suggests the importance of timing. Hrothulf is open to Limerick's assistance. Different directions yield different outcomes in the maze. Klutch insists only the "branch" can navigate the maze, causing tension. Limerick explains how they ended up in the maze.
In a gold-clad hallway, Ego, wearing a golden helm, faces a golden knight. The goddess poses a riddle, and Ego answers correctly. The knight attacks, and the group engages in battle. They encounter more knights and engage them as well. Meanwhile, Ego receives a voice in her head and dismisses it. Limerick casts a zone of truth and questions a knight about its purpose. Darnit suggests using non-physical attacks, but physical attacks are ineffective. They speculate on solving another riddle and face more knights. Hrothulf critically strikes and defeats two knights. Izar tries to enter the ethereal plane but is dissuaded by Hiare. Izar then casts hold person on a knight and expresses the desire to speak to the goddess, but the knights dismiss the request.
Limerick tries to identify the knights but fails. He picks up a sword and bows, offering to serve. Klutch questions Limerick's actions. The knights attack Darnit, surprising him with feints. Ego and Hrothulf join the fight. Izar solves a riddle, summoning more knights. Limerick asks a riddle but receives no answer. Klutch breaks down and declares herself a servant. The voice asks again, and Darnit and Hrothulf answer, turning their hands to gold. The group discusses their experience with gold. Hrothulf identifies himself as a servant chosen by Teresias and suffers physical changes. Ego acts out being a ruler. Izar acknowledges the lady's importance. Hrothulf confesses to purposeful killing. Limerick recognizes the lady as an old friend, and the gold tiles disappear. Limerick's legs turn to gold. They rest, and Hrothulf trains Ego. They reach a hallway with two paths.
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