Gryphons to the Mezzolux -- Gargoyles!


Jan 31, 2022

The Branch faces a trial at the temple of the goddess of air and balance, guarded by gargoyles. They must fight off the gargoyles to prove their worth and gain an audience with the goddess.

Nilchi with Darnit and Fei with Hiare, along with their respective abilities and preferences. Hayate with Ego and Poyraz with Hrothulf, including their combat capabilities. Sefarina with Dorinda, their stealth and spellcasting abilities. Tuulikki with Elian, known as Spiderman. The group of griffins is in the middle of the mezzolux. They are confronted by Dhund Hal Ka, who warns them of the trial ahead and the consequences of failure. The griffins are fed salamanders and water bears. The group announces themselves and is surrounded by gargoyles. A battle ensues, with various actions and attacks described. The group manages to defeat the gargoyles.