The Door and the Deluge


Feb 20, 2020

The group comes across a mysterious door that opens to reveal a tidal wave of water. Hrothulf is able to stop himself, but the rest of the group is knocked into a newly-formed room.

Set in

During a quiet night, Ego asks Klutch about her necromancy skills. Klutch reveals her ability to talk to the dead, but she hasn't sensed any spirits in the labyrinth. Ego wonders if Klutch has been in a place without souls before. Hrothulf asks about Hiare, but Klutch can't sense anyone. Izar speculates that the place is filled with lost souls, and the gods' absence has left chaos. Another theory is that it's not the real world, explaining why they can't die. They continue exploring and find a metal door at the end of a hallway. Hrothulf tries to see over it, but the walls rise. The door is cold and solid, with no openings or blemishes. Hrothulf opens the door, releasing a massive wave of ice-cold water. Everyone is swept away except Hrothulf, who manages to stop himself. The water forms a new room with a ceiling, and it has a bitter, acrid taste.

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