Aug 15, 2019
Replaying Vardumtron in the ReDream. The group battles Vardumtron, a suit of armor housing tortured humanoids. Carlos uses his soul dagger and railgun, Izar casts spells and uses his soul rapier in the ethereal plane, Hrothulf wields a flaming sword, and Darnit uses magic missiles. Vardumtron is defeated but kills Carlos.
Set in
We're replaying the 2019-03-19 Log Events
Darynit throws Barkamena, which bounces back. He joins Izar and Carlos. Izar casts Blade Ward while Carlos wields his glowing soul dagger. Hrothulf lights his great sword on fire. Vardumtron attacks Izar and Carlos but misses. Darnit casts chromatic orb, scarred Vardumtron's shield. Izar's shocking grasp reveals Vardumtron as empty armor. Carlos sees tortured humanoids in the mirrors. Carlos strikes Vardumtron with his soul spear, causing a radiant slice. Hrothulf puts candles back, revealing Vardumtron's grotesque appearance. Darnit magic missiles Vardumtron. Izar casts blink and Carlos uses a railgun. Hrothulf checks on Carlos and applies a steak to his face. Vardumtron bruises Darnit. Izar attacks Vardumtron in the ethereal plane. Carlos attempts to cut off Vardumtron's hand but fails. Vardumtron tears Carlos in half. Izar realizes everyone has left. Daryo is absent, and Ego receives medical attention. Izar boasts about his soul blade.