Space Battle


Apr 25, 2019

The crew is chased by three unregistered starships and engages in a space battle. They successfully disable two of the ships but are then confronted by Federation raiders and more aggressive ships.

Set in

Dos informs Ego about using encrypted scanner codes to deceive the Federation. Izar asks Atchi to watch for followers and suggests going through the asteroid belt. Hrothulf prepares grilled cheese sandwiches while Ego receives a message from Dos. Atchi alerts everyone about three approaching unregistered starships. Ego and Izar head to the bridge, assigning roles to the crew for combat. Ego instructs Dos to boost the ship but fails. The enemy ships attack, damaging our shields. Darnit attempts to EMP the red ship but fails. The crew exchanges fire with the enemy ships, damaging their shields and engines. Dos successfully prepares the EMP. The crew maneuvers strategically, and Darnit disables the green ship's engine. The crew focuses on the blue ship and damages its engines. Dos increases our speed temporarily. The crew continues to battle, avoiding missiles and damaging the red ship. Dos further boosts our speed. The crew targets red's engines and increases our speed again. Federation raiders appear near the gate, and we engage in combat. We receive orders to cease fire, but one rocket damages our engines. More enemy ships approach, and the situation becomes critical.

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