Vegas of Planets
Associated With
Chaotic Neutral / Chaotic Evil
Gets its name from the German world “Genussa”, which is one of the best ways to translate the embodiment of pleasure and grandiose feelings.
They don’t like being governed. So politically, they don’t think we need a confederation at all.
Sleazy drug-ridden metropolis.
This is where Atchi lost Bruno’s ship in gambling
Where Sveedl Johannsen the magician is
This is where the Liberty or Death game show came from
Genussa is where Bode asked us to take him to the cemetery where he dug up a grave and got his locket back.
Trade--shady dealings. Whatever the trade is, it’s definitely off the grid. But there’s a lot of money.
This is where you would wire funds and have ‘off-shore accounts’.
Genussa doesn’t hold the ansible network hostage, but they’re responsible for it. They control the hub for it. So without it, most of the planets are in the dark, since itself of information transferring instantly it would take someone actually travelling.
The Confederation wants to regulate, but they acknowledge that Genussa brought the ansible and leaves it to itself to a degree anyway
Genussa doesn’t care for regulation at all. They would be the planet most likely to institute something like the purge, and live that way otherwise anyway.
Confed has attempted to trace the dragon’s blood drug trade back to Genussa, but mostly it stalls somewhere in Didymus.
Races: little bit of everything. You’ll find the highest concentration of Goblins and Goblinoids on Genussa.
We met the bugbear kingpin of the Manticore Green