Forest Planet of Fey
Chaotic Good
Forest planet
We met the dinosaurs there
Large elvish population
Traditionalists, but not afraid of technology, so you’ll see that blend (like Mmbaugh)
(Basically stolen from the Star Wars universe)
Humid, colorful, jungle. Full of vibrance. A very hopeful kind of atmosphere.
The libraries there would be full of people like Bruno’s mom--sage, let me give you the meaning behind the things, not necessarily the things themselves, and let’s do that while communing with nature.
Geopolitically, Bruno’s Dad was ambassador. Keepers of the old ways, but comfortable with progress. Largely socialist or communist.
Often referred to as the third planet. (After Terran, Genussa, based on voice in the planet and a desire to make things happen on a scale between the suns.)
It’s got the wildlands, so there’s a large chunk intentionally left undeveloped, free to do what it does. Probably the biggest voice against the Whidmore Corporation’s terraforming enterprise, etc.
Trade in knowledge, wisdom of years gone by. A lot of scionic influence, helping people master their skills. Might even call it ‘magic’. They do have a big voice in the scionic people’s rights. Totally against the census.
Lots of elf, but mixed. All of your woodland. Dryads, faeries, batfey, etc.