
Our current ship. The name means Store Tellers.


It flies through space

Scanner jammers and mid-range sensory array (10 hex range)

Forward Facing Ion Cannon 2d8 energy

Plasma Turret with EMP 3d8 fire or EMP with 6 hex range

-rear-facing StoneFish MDS (mine deployment system) with 27 mines

(3d10+5 kinetic dmg on impact with DC 16 threat to neutralise life support systems))

-Vortex Flechette Needler (upon impact, creates a gravity well reducing

speed by half and maneuverability by one step for 2d4+2 rounds) with

6 hex range (rear-facing)

-Speed: 8

-Maneuverability: good (1)

-gallium retrofit isolating free turbine rig: (GRIFTR) PCU: 200

-Shields: 36 points (9 per side)

-Gemira's ConFederation Gate Pass Clearance Level G:9