Aug 22, 2022
DHK joins the group and learns about the complex situation they are in. They discuss their next moves, including visiting the Blue Coconut and investigating Dario's kidnapping. DHK tells us about her branch, Bode Augur's Vardum poisoning, and Lizard Teresias.
DHK learns about a complex situation involving a kidnapped Teresias, murder accusations on Hielo, a betraying codex holder, an unbalanced AI creature, a frozen dead body, a lockdown on Mystra, the pursuit of a dagger, and the presence of Charles Whidmore. Clues from a lost codex involve Phoenixes and dragon-hearted children of Vardum. Money and concerns about dirty money arise. They plan to visit the Blue Coconut and go to Genussa. They want to watch Dario's kidnapping and interact with Kozmo. DHK knows about the lifeform on their ship but doesn't reveal the source. Dario's watch mentions Coney and his frequent interplanetary travel. DHK explains that Teresias turned to stone and became the caretaker of Gliten's sarcophagus. DHK maintained the Griffin Cavalry for 500 years. Others came through and shared stories of self-deception and fortune-seeking. DHK learns about the AI but keeps it a secret. They review a video of Bruno's kidnapping and suspect Bhodi's involvement. DHK confirms the presence of Vardum based on their teleporter sound. DHK becomes overwhelmed and needs time away.
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