Jan 1, 2013
A detailed description of various planets in the game universe, including their geography, politics, and trade. Also includes information on the Pantheon and the planet of the Dragons.
Set in
Yellow Sun Planets:
1. Magmus: A harsh fire world with a subterranean section that's more habitable. Known for frequent revolts, gem and mining exports, and fiery races.
2. Felucia: A humid and colorful forest planet with a large elvish population. Home to the dinosaurs, libraries, and a blend of traditionalists and technology.
3. Terran: A centralized planet resembling a metropolis. Whidmore Corp.'s playground for terraforming, with a police state-like governance. Predominantly human, with diverse trade and high technology.
4. Hyang Wan: A water planet with constant rain. Neutral geopolitics, a mix of super high-tech and luddite communities, and trade in tech, secrets, weapons, and defense.
5. Gonhirrim: A gas planet with seven moons. Inhabited moons, predominantly Dwarven, focused on mining, resistant to terraforming, and led by labor union leaders.
6. Hielo: A frozen and largely uninhabitable location.
Red Sun Planets:
7. Mystra: Known for mystery and scionic happenings. Swampy and home to ancient Netherese, humans, dwarves, and the Lady Saharel and Tomb of Teresias.
8. Genussa: A sleazy drug-ridden metropolis resembling Vegas. Strongly opposed to governance, involved in shady trade, and a hub for the ansible network.
9. Janus: Divided into light and dark halves, not interested in confederation. Engaged in knowledge trade and espionage, with Netherese, human, and Drow inhabitants.
10. Didymus: Twin planets orbiting each other, limited resources, and associated with alleged drug cartels.
Both Suns:
11. Chromium: Planet of the Dragons, mysterious and unexplored.
The Pantheon: Consists of nine gods with various domains. Relationships between the gods are contentious but centered around care for mortals and the realms. No consistent hierarchy.
Thiton - God of Water and Life
Thiten - Goddess of Death and Time
Gliten - Goddess of Air and Balance
Gliton - God of Fire and Chaos
Glitonea - Goddess of Earth and Law
Mazoë - God of Courage and Justice
Moronóë - God of Wisdom and Hearth
Tyronóë - Goddess of Dreams and Psyche
Yafel - Knowledge and Cunning
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